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Chinese Evergreen

Aglaonema commutatum

Plant Type
Herbaceous, perennial
Mature Size
1-3 ft tall, 1-3 ft wide
Sun exposure
Near-shade, bright light
Soil Type
Soil PH
Bloom Time
Spring, summer
Flower Color
Hardiness Zones
10-12 (USDA)
Native Area
Chinese Evergreen


Aglaonema commutatum, more commonly known as the Chinese Evergreen, is an evergreen perennial native to tropical forests in South and Southeast Asia. This low maintenance houseplant features a variety of glossy leaves in head turning colors such as silver-gray, pink, or cream with light green or reddish veins.

The Chinese Evergreen is remarkably easy to care for, making it ideal for both beginner and experienced indoor gardeners. It prefers low light conditions but will tolerate moderate indirect light levels; it can even thrive in full sun if given enough water. Additionally, its air purifying properties make it an excellent choice for improving the quality of your home's air circulation.

Chinese Evergreen Care

Chinese Evergreens are resilient plants, perfect for novice gardeners. Their care requirements include moderate, indirect light, well-draining soil, regular watering (although they're somewhat drought-tolerant), and regular feeding during the growing season. These plants prefer warmer temperatures and moderate to high humidity levels, and they're a great addition to your indoor garden or office environment.


Chinese Evergreens thrive in moderate, indirect light but can tolerate low light conditions, making them perfect for indoor environments with limited natural light. However, brightly colored or variegated varieties may lose their vibrant colors if not given enough light. Try to avoid exposing them to direct sunlight, which can burn their leaves.


Chinese Evergreens prefer a well-draining potting mix to prevent waterlogged roots. An indoor plant potting mix or a mixture of peat moss or coconut coir with perlite can work well. The soil should be kept slightly acidic, with a pH between 6.0 and 6.5.


Chinese Evergreens enjoy even moisture but are somewhat drought-tolerant. Generally, water your Chinese Evergreen when the top inch or so of soil has dried out, typically about once a week. However, adjust the watering schedule based on the light, temperature, and humidity conditions. Remember that it's better to slightly underwater than overwater, as too much water can lead to root rot.

Temperature and Humidity

Chinese Evergreens are tropical plants and, as such, prefer warmer temperatures. A room between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal. They can tolerate a minimum of about 60 degrees, but prolonged exposure to colder temperatures can result in leaf damage.

As for humidity, Chinese Evergreens prefer moderate to high humidity levels, but they can also tolerate the average humidity found in most homes. If your home's air is dry, consider misting the plant, placing it on a pebble tray with water, or using a humidifier to increase humidity levels.


Chinese Evergreens benefit from regular feeding during the growing season (spring and summer). Use a balanced, water-soluble houseplant fertilizer diluted to half the recommended strength, typically once a month. In the fall and winter, reduce the feeding frequency as the plant's growth slows. Always water the plant thoroughly after feeding to help distribute the nutrients and prevent fertilizer burn.

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