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Dumb Cane Plant

Dieffenbachia Amoena

Plant Type
Herbaceous, perennial
Mature Size
3-10 ft tall, 2-3 ft wide
Sun exposure
Dappled shade, indirect light
Soil Type
Potting mix, well-drained
Soil PH
Bloom Time
Flower Color
Hardiness Zones
10-12 (USDA)
Native Area
Caribbean, South America
Dumb Cane Plant


Dieffenbachia Amoena, or more commonly known as the Dumb Cane Plant, is a flowering evergreen native to Central and South America. It's an excellent choice for both indoor and outdoor cultivation due to its attractive foliage that come in several distinct variations of yellowish and greenish colors striped with white.

The Dumb Cane Plant does best in bright but indirect light situated away from direct sunlight or bright windows. Its soil should be kept consistently moist but not soggy, drained well yet still retaining enough dampness so it’s never left feeling totally dry. Additionally, this plant prefers sterile soils such as peat-based potting mixes rather than organic soils to help keep it healthy and free from pests and diseases. As a low maintenance houseplant with striking visual appeal – especially when multiple plants are group together – the Dumb Cane Plant can bring years of enjoyment without requiring too much effort on your part!

Dumb Cane Plant Care

This plant is loved for its lush green leaves and it's an easy plant to care for. It requires medium to low light conditions and well-draining soil. It prefers a humid environment, moderate watering, and warm temperatures. Fertilizing during the growing season will help the Dumb Cane Plant thrive.


Dumb Cane plants can tolerate a variety of light conditions, but they prefer indirect, medium light. They can survive in low light but may become leggy. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight for prolonged periods as it can scorch their leaves.


A well-draining potting mix is essential for Dumb Cane plants to prevent water-logging and root rot. You can use a general-purpose indoor plant potting mix. If you want to make your mix, combine peat moss, perlite, and coarse sand in equal parts.


When it comes to watering, Dumb Cane plants prefer their soil to be kept consistently moist but not soggy. Overwatering can cause root rot, which can be lethal to the plant. It's best to water the plant thoroughly and allow the top inch of the soil to dry out before watering again.

Temperature and Humidity

Dumb Canes prefer warmer temperatures, ideally between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. They are not tolerant of cold drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations. These plants also prefer higher humidity levels. If your home's air is dry, you can increase humidity by placing the plant on a water-filled pebble tray or by using a humidifier.


Dumb Canes will benefit from regular feeding during the growing season (spring to fall). Use a balanced houseplant fertilizer and follow the package instructions for quantity and frequency. Avoid fertilizing in the winter months when the plant's growth slows down.

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