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Rose Painted Calathea

Calathea Roseopicta

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Native Area
Rose Painted Calathea


Calathea roseopicta, more commonly known as the Rose Painted Calathea, is an evergreen perennial native to Brazil. It's a popular houseplant recognized for its stunning light green leaves covered in dark green feather-like patterns and purple undersides.

The Rose Painted Calathea should be grown in indirect bright light and with consistently damp soil; it does not like to dry out too much between waterings. It prefers warm temperatures and high humidity wherever possible - so if you can offer this environment, your Calathea will thrive! This luscious plant also serves as a natural air humidifier – ideal for those living in dry climates or looking to add some extra moisture into their atmosphere – making it perfect for both home and office use alike.

Rose Painted Calathea Care

The Rose Painted Calathea, is a tropical plant that prefers humid and warm conditions similar to its native environment in the rainforests of South America. Proper care involves providing indirect, bright light, keeping the plant in well-draining soil and maintaining a consistent watering routine that keeps the soil lightly moist but never soggy. They thrive in temperatures of 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, and high humidity is crucial to their wellbeing. During the growing season, a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer can be applied monthly to support its growth.


Rose Painted Calatheas appreciate bright but indirect light. Exposure to direct sunlight can cause the colors in the leaves to fade and may burn the delicate leaves. However, too little light can also cause problems, leading to less vibrant leaf colors and slow growth.


Well-draining soil is crucial to the wellbeing of the Rose Painted Calathea to prevent root rot. A peat-based potting mix is ideal, as it retains moisture well while still providing adequate drainage. You can make a suitable potting mix using equal parts of peat, perlite, and compost.


The Rose Painted Calathea prefers to have consistently moist soil, but it should not be soggy or waterlogged. The top inch of the soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings. In general, it's better to under-water than over-water these plants, as too much water can lead to root rot. Using lukewarm or room-temperature water is also recommended, as cold water can cause leaf spots.

Temperature and Humidity

Being a tropical plant, the Rose Painted Calathea prefers temperatures between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. They do not tolerate cold drafts or sudden temperature fluctuations well, so avoid placing them near doors, windows, or air vents. Humidity is also essential for these plants, and they thrive in environments with a humidity level of at least 50%. If the air in your home is dry, consider using a pebble tray filled with water, a humidifier, or mist the leaves with water regularly to increase humidity.


During the growing season, which is typically from spring to summer, you can feed your Rose Painted Calathea once a month with a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer. Make sure to dilute the fertilizer to half the recommended strength to prevent over-fertilization, which can cause the leaf tips to burn. During the dormant winter months, cease feeding as the plant will not be actively growing.

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