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Spider Plant

Chlorophytum comosum

Plant Type
Herbaceous, perennial
Mature Size
1-2 ft tall, 1-2 ft wide
Sun exposure
Light shade
Soil Type
Loamy, well-drained
Soil PH
Bloom Time
Flowers regulary
Flower Color
Hardiness Zones
9-11 (USDA)
Native Area
Central and Southern Africa
Spider Plant


Chlorophytum comosum, better known as the Spider Plant, is an evergreen perennial originating from tropical Africa. It's easily recognizable by its bright green and white striped leaves and delicate arching stems covered in clusters of white flowers with distinct yellow centers.

The Spider Plant is a popular houseplant renowned for its minimal care requirements and good air purification abilities. It thrives in partial shade to full sun but can take low light levels without much trouble. Its soil should be well-drained yet hold moisture - otherwise it needs water every 7 to 10 days during summer months or when the top two inches of soil becomes dry in winter time. Despite these basic care needs, it's one of the most undemanding plants available on the market today.

Spider Plant Care

Spider plants, are among the easiest houseplants to care for, making them a great choice for beginners or those with a less-than-green thumb. They are tolerant of a wide range of conditions, but for optimal growth, they require bright, indirect light, well-draining soil, and adequate water. They prefer cooler temperatures ranging from 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and average to high humidity levels. Feeding with a standard houseplant fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season will support their development, but it's not required during the dormant winter months.


Spider plants prefer bright, indirect light, although they can tolerate lower light conditions. However, direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, causing them to turn brown, so avoid placing them in direct sun, particularly during the peak hours of the day.


Spider plants prefer well-draining soil and do well in a standard potting mix. To ensure the soil drains properly, you can add some perlite or coarse sand to the mix. Good drainage is crucial for preventing root rot, a common problem when the plant sits in waterlogged soil.


Water your spider plant thoroughly, but make sure to let the soil dry out between waterings. The top inch of soil should be dry before you water the plant again. This plant is drought-tolerant, meaning it's more forgiving if you forget a watering or two, but it won't tolerate soggy soil. If the tips of your spider plant's leaves become brown, it could be a sign that you're overwatering.

Temperature and Humidity

Spider plants prefer cooler temperatures between 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They can survive in temperatures as low as 35 degrees Fahrenheit, but growth will be slow. As for humidity, spider plants can tolerate average home humidity levels, but they thrive in higher humidity. If your home is particularly dry, consider placing the plant on a tray of pebbles filled with water, or use a room humidifier.


During the growing season, spring through early fall, feed your spider plant every two weeks with a balanced houseplant fertilizer diluted to half the recommended strength. Too much fertilizer can cause the tips of the leaves to burn and turn brown. During the winter months, there's no need to fertilize as the plant enters a resting phase.

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