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Swiss Cheese Plant

Monstera adansonii

Plant Type
Mature Size
3-8 ft tall, 1-3 ft wide (indoors), 10-13 ft tall (outdoors)
Sun exposure
Bright, indirect light
Soil Type
Moist, well-drained
Soil PH
Acidic, neutral
Bloom Time
Spring (does not bloom indoors)
Flower Color
Hardiness Zones
10-12 (USDA)
Native Area
Central America, South America
Swiss Cheese Plant


Monstera adansonii, more commonly known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, is a tropical evergreen native to South and Central America. It's recognizable by its glossy green leaves that are covered with holes, creating the look of Swiss cheese.

The Swiss Cheese Plant is an easy plant that requires minimal care to thrive indoors or outdoors in zones 10-12. It enjoys bright indirect light and warm temperatures from 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit (18-30°C). Keep the soil slightly moist but never soggy, allowing it to dry out before watering again. The humidity should also be between 40% - 60%. Prune regularly to keep the growth healthy and your plant looking great!  By selecting this beautiful plant for your home or garden, you will bring graceful foliage movement along with fantastic texture into any space.

Swiss Cheese Plant Care

Swiss Cheese Plants, are native to the tropical forests of Central and South America. They prefer a warm, humid environment, indirect light, and well-draining soil. Their watering needs are moderate, and they respond well to regular fertilization during the growing season. Known for their rapid growth, these plants can also benefit from regular pruning to control their size and shape.


Swiss Cheese Plants thrive in bright, indirect light. An east or north-facing window is usually ideal. While they can tolerate low light, insufficient light can slow their growth and the development of their iconic leaf fenestrations (the holes and slits that give them their name). Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can cause leaf burn.


Swiss Cheese Plants prefer well-draining soil to avoid water-logging and root rot. A good-quality houseplant potting mix, possibly mixed with a bit of peat moss for added acidity, is generally a good choice. For extra drainage, you can add perlite or coarse sand to the mixture.


These plants prefer a moderate watering regime. Water thoroughly when the top inch or so of the soil is dry, and then allow the pot to drain completely. Overwatering can cause root rot, so it's better to err on the side of underwatering. Swiss Cheese Plants prefer higher humidity, so consider misting the leaves with water or placing a tray of water near the plant to increase the ambient humidity.

Temperature and Humidity

Swiss Cheese Plants enjoy temperatures between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit and do not handle cold drafts or sudden temperature changes well. They thrive in higher humidity levels, similar to their native tropical habitat. If your home is dry, especially in the winter months, consider using a room humidifier or placing the plant on a tray filled with pebbles and water to increase humidity.


Feed your Swiss Cheese Plant during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. This should be done approximately once a month. In the fall and winter, the plant's growth will slow, and you can cease fertilizing until the next growing season begins. Always follow the specific instructions on your chosen fertilizer, as over-fertilizing can lead to leaf burn or other damage.

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